Cheers to Wellness Practices That Changed Our Lives

🎧Cheers to Growth ep. 3 — Listen Now!

Hey 💌

When I was living in a state of complete disconnection, I fell victim to many wellness trends that did not lead to wellness at all.

After spending obscene amounts of money on supplements, health foods, workout classes, and “better-for-you” alternatives that did not change the way I felt, I learned that the true game changers are often cost nothing, or close to it.

With so much conflicting health advice out there, it took me some time to figure out what actually works for me.

In our conversation, Levi and I share the actual needle movers for each of us on our journey to live holistically well.

We’re talking:

  • Mouth Tape

    For insanely restful sleep, every single night — and sleep just might be the number one ingredient for thriving health!

    Also, the importance of nasal breathing for physical beauty and immunity.

  • Fasting

    BUT not restrictive. Listening to your body rather than gripping onto strict eating regimens for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

    Remembering that hunger is not an emergency helps quiet food noise.

  • Meditative Movement

    Eliminating the stress from exercise and using movement as a beautiful release into a parasympathetic state has worked wonders on my body and my self-image.

    Feeling life force move through you without needing to beat yourself up, actually leads to the body you desire. Our purpose here is to move with joy!

  • Reading: You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

    This was the real catalyst for my health journey. To realize that you do not need to run to your doctor for every ailment and that all they have to offer are pills that cover up the very signals that your body is trying to communicate with you with.

    Learning how to heal by going inward and getting to the root of any and all health problems changes everything.

“The body, like everything else in life, is a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs. The body is always talking to us, if only we take the time to listen.”

Louise Hay

The bottom line is that taking on other people’s lifestyles is never going to work. Running from yourself is never going to work. Coming home to you and implementing what feels most natural and uplifting is when all of this starts to click.

Here’s how we did it, and how you too can find peace on your path to thriving health.

Enjoy the conversation and cheers! 🥂

The wine we drank in this episode: Dry Gewurztraminer from Gundlach Bundschu

Pre-recording dinner recipe: Shrimp scampi with handmade pasta

Handmade Pasta 🍝

Make this first.


- 3 ½ cups all-purpose or “00” flour (I used from this farm)

- 4 eggs

- 1 tsp salt

- 1 tbsp EVOO


1. To make your pasta dough, make a well with the dry ingredients. Crack eggs , sprinkle salt, and pour EVOO into the well. Whisk egg mixture, slowly incorporating more and more flour until you can start kneading.

2. Knead the dough for 5 minutes. Cover and let rest for 30 minutes.

3. Break pasta dough into 4 pieces and roll out one at a time on a lightly floured surface. Roll into a thin rectangular shape, the thinner the better because the noodles expand when cooked!

5. Fold your dough over itself in 2-inch sections, then cut your noodles. Unravel and swirl into small piles and set aside.

6. Wait to boil your noodles until you’re about ready to eat because they only cook for about 3 minutes before straining and dumping into your sauce.


Shrimp Scampi 🍋🦐


- 8 oz wild-caught shrimp

- Juice from 1 lemon

- ½ cup white wine

- 5 garlic cloves

- ¼ cup Parmigiana Reggiano

- ¾ cup bone broth

- 4 tbsp butter

- 1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes

- S + P

- Parsley to top


1. Wash and de-vine and de-tail shrimp.

2. Heat 1 tbsp of butter in a pan. Add chopped garlic and stir until fragrant. Then add shrimp. Cook until pink then flip. Once fully cooked, remove shrimp and set aside in a bowl.

3. Add wine, bone broth, red pepper flakes, S + P.

4. Stir into a simmer. *Start boiling your pot of water at this time.

5. Then remove sauce from heat and add parmesan, the rest of the butter, and lemon juice.

6. Add back in your shrimp and sprinkle parsley.

7. Cook pasta, strain, and add to the sauce.

8. Stir and let the pasta soak in the sauce for a few minutes before serving.


🤍🤍 Jaclyn

P.S. The next episode of Cheers to Growth will be Thursday, March 13th because next week is for Sunday SELF-C.A.R.E. February reflection 💌